To enroll in the session
Moving Energy!
Thursday December 12th, 2019
To keep the organisation as smooth as possible and to ensure a place for everyone,
we ask you to enroll by paying the evening session in advance.
Here is how to procede:
1. Please make a 20€ bank transfer (15€ if student or minor with a parent) to:
Association Vibrance
IBAN FR76 3008 7330 0900 0201 8120 106 Bank Code (BIC): CMCIFRPP
To make it easy for us to identify your registration, please label your payment as follows:
your name/JD dec12 (Ex: J. Williams JD12dec)
Only payments via bank transfer or cash are valid.
Cash payment must be made at the entrance desk at an earlier Jeudis Danse session.
Should you encounter any issues, please contact us, we will find a solution.
Your place is firmly reserved upon reception of the payment for the session.
2. If you just discovered the Vibrance Association for the first time,
Looking forward to seeing you on the dance floor!